Are you planning to get pregnant through the egg donation process? Even though treatment with egg donation requires considerable planning, the process is similar to conventional IVF using your own eggs. In egg donation, you will also be required to take fertility medications, fertilization, and embryo transfer.

Listed below, are general guidelines that are involved in the egg donation process:

1. Fresh or Frozen Eggs

This is the most important step that will determine your treatment process. Freshly donated eggs are immediately fertilized as soon as they’re harvested from the egg donor. In order to do this, your menstrual cycle needs to be synchronized with the egg donor’s retrieval cycle. This may cause delays in starting the treatment process.

Frozen donor eggs are sourced from a donor bank, enabling you to commence treatment immediately. Freezing is done using modern methods like ‘fast freeze’, making frozen eggs equally viable.

2. Preparing for an Embryo

Whether you choose fresh or frozen eggs, you need to prep your body to accept the embryo. You will receive tailored doses infertility medications which ready the endometrial lining; thereby increasing the chances of the embryo implanting successfully.

3. Fertilization of Donor Eggs

Donor eggs are fertilized using a procedure called intracytoplasmic sperm injection. In this step, each egg will be infused with sperm from your spouse or donor sperm. The eggs are then monitored for fertilization. Once the embryos are formed and viable, they are ready for transfer to your uterus.

4. Embryo Transfer

Using scans, your endometrial lining will be monitored to ensure your uterus is ready for the transfer. The embryo is dipped into a special solution to increase its chances of adhering your uterine wall. This increases the chance of implantation. After the transfer occurs, you will receive more fertility medications to help your body adjust to the early stages of pregnancy.

5. Pregnancy Test

Two weeks after the transfer process, you will have to take a pregnancy test. If the test results are positive, you will receive further guidance and support, including booking your first pregnancy appointment.

If the results are negative, you will meet with a fertility consultant to review future treatment options. At this time, you can discuss pregnancy using embryos from your prior cycle.

To get started with the egg donation process, please contact Rite Options.


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